Poster Competition

Student Poster Competition

WM2024 Undergraduate Student Poster Winner:
Loralei Cook, Harvard University

WM2024 Graduate  Student Poster Winner:
Bryant Pineda, Applied Research Center – FIU

Over the years, the Student Poster Competition has become one of the highlights of the WM Conference. With more than 40 excellent students presenting last year, it attracts more attention amongst the WM Conference attendees.

The Poster Session is intended to be an effective and enjoyable method of presenting scientific papers. In this informal atmosphere, students are given the opportunity to meet and interact with the industry professionals.

Why Should you Participate?

  • It is a great opportunity to meet with the industry professionals to discuss your work and impress them with your research and presentation skills
  • Receive a complimentary conference registration and hotel accommodations
  • There will be two categories in the Student Poster Competition; one for Undergraduate and one for Graduate students.

Interested in participating?
Please see the Student Guidelines for updated eligibility and awards information.

Deadline to submit an abstract for the Student Poster Competition is November 1, 2024.