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US DOE Long-Term Stewardship: Reflections of the Past, Visions for the Future
March 14, 2024
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (LM) is thrilled to announce our partnership with the Waste Management Symposia (WM). We will celebrate our 20th anniversary and Waste Management’s 50th anniversary at the annual Waste Management Symposium, which is taking place in the vibrant city of Phoenix, Arizona, from March 10 to 14, 2024.
In honor of two decades of dedicated stewardship, WM and DOE cordially invite you to join us on Thursday, March 14, for a special day dedicated to “US DOE Long-term Stewardship: Reflections of the Past, Visions for the Future.” The four panels that make up this event will shine a spotlight on the remarkable achievements and share best practices in long-term stewardship, not only from DOE but also from the international community.
As part of our celebration, DOE LM will showcase our 20-year journey with an expansive booth featuring engaging interpretive exhibits, a presence in the STEM zone, and the opportunity to meet some of our dedicated LM staff members, who will be on-site and presenting papers and posters throughout the symposium. Related LM sessions will begin on Monday and continue until Thursday afternoon.
US DOE LM celebrating two decades as an organization is a monumental achievement that demonstrates our staff’s enthusiastic commitment, steadfast teamwork, and enduring spirit of hard work. It also reflects our unwavering dedication to our mission — fulfilling the DOE’s post-closure responsibilities and safeguarding the future well-being of both humanity and the environment.
We eagerly anticipate celebrating this incredible milestone together, and we sincerely hope to see you there!
Details on the symposium can be found on the WM website at wmsym.org.
Questions on the US DOE Long-term Stewardship Day can be sent to public.affairs@lm.doe.gov.
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